Corporate Citizenship

Social responsibility actively applied


Corporate Social Responsibility encompasses the social and ecological responsibility of our dynamic, profitably expanding, internationally active and modern family group in all areas of business. It begins with our own appreciation of values, continues with ecologically relevant aspects of our economic operations and culminates in the reciprocal relationships we have with employees, suppliers, clients and the community as a whole.

As a result, RUD very actively practises a comprehensive responsibility for a society in which our family company would like to do business both now and in the future


VFR Aalen 2. Bundesliga

We are proud to sponsor our local football team VFR Aalen, playing in the 2. Bundesliga

Schoch racing team

We are proud to sponsor the Schoch racing team

Gamsrenna in GAP

We are proud to sponsor this special skiing race with tradition in GAP Germany

SIBIU ralley

We are proud to sponsor this special ralley in SIBIU / Romania

Social activities


We sponsor 2 families with the organisation of PATE. One family is located in Vietnam, the other on in South America. The organisation PATE is a wonderful organization helping children all over the world. For more detailes information of this organisation please watch below:


The idea of the Trude Eipperle Rieger-Foundation, that modern companies are nowadays also judged on the fulfilment of their social responsibilities and by the degree of their social commitment being all part of the original corporate identity like when our family business was founded, and has been actively practiced ever since. Supporting the arts and culture has always been and still is an interest shared by all our employees.  This dates back to a time when access to cultural events and activities was neither taken for granted nor even possible for all. Our family business has always fulfilled its corporate responsibility for supporting cultural activities,  not only by fostering its employee's own initiatives but also, and in particular,  by preserving the artistic legacy of one of our great artistes,  with whom we are personally connected. For more informations watch:

Environmental protection

Energy management

RUD is certificated with ISO 50001 for efficient energy management

Sponsor of cool earth

We are proud to be sponsor of the organisation cool earth. The simple idea behind Cool Earth is that rainforests are worth much more to the human race left standing, helping to cool the planet, than they are cut down for timber or burnt to clear land for cattle ranching.

Cool Earth works with local rainforest communities to protect rainforest from being cut down. With our supporters, we make a difference by;

  •  Only protecting rainforest that is in imminent danger and without our intervention would be cleared.
  • Protecting rainforest that forms a protective blockade for tens of thousands of acres of adjacent forest.
  • Working with local communities to make sure that they are best placed to protect the rainforest.
  • Making sure the money our individual sponsors give us goes directly to the rainforest. We spend less than 10% of our supporters' money on administration.
  • Protecting areas with high levels of biodiversity which store at least 260 tons of CO2 per acre.


CCK Center for chain knowledge

  • a first-class training and schooling institution for all employees of the RUD Group, for potential future employees (mainly college and university students) and for our business partners - to keep them up-to-date with technical „Chain Knowledge“ in the broadest sense.
  • a modern, interactive forum for exchange of know-how and experience concerning our core competences for technicians and engineers at RUD, selected partners and external experts in theory and practice. Proven and latest technical processes as well as developments are our main focus.
  • professional management of knowledge, which means responsible distribution and responsible dealing with „Chain Knowledge“ as well as with the knowledge and the experience of the core competences of RUD.
  • the use of highly modern web conference systems allows us to communicate effectively with our subsidiaries and partners around the world. This helps us share our knowledge and experience within the RUD Group with our partners, maximising our mutual benefit

Sport activities

RUD SKI race

Bei diesem alpinen Skirennen werden zwei Durchgänge als Slalom gefahren und am Ende die einzelnen Platzierungen zusammengezählt. Anhand der Einzelergebnisse wird am Schluss des Rennens der Mannschaftspokalsieger ermittelt. In gewohnt professioneller Art hatte der TV Mögglingen mit all seinen Helfern wieder einen anspruchsvollen Kurs gesteckt der den Akteuren ihr ganzes Können abverlangte. 99 Starter aus 11 Teams gingen ins Rennen und kämpften sportlich und fair um attraktive Siegerpokale.

RUD Sport and Activity team

The members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselves and sponsored by RUD.


The members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselves and sponsored by RUD.

RUD team for Aalener Stadtlauf

This members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselfs and sponsored by RUD.

By RUD sponsored leisure time activities

RUD music group

The members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselves and sponsored by RUD.

RUD singing group

The members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselves and sponsored by RUD.

RUD schaspil team

The members of this team are employees of the RUD Group organized by themselves and sponsored by RUD.

RUD Community

RUD fire fighter

This team is part of our rescue team in Germany. Together with the fire fighters of the city of Aalen the team is training regularly. 

RUD ambulance team

This team is part of our rescue team in Germany. Together with the red cross of the city of Aalen the team is training regularly. 

About the RUD GROUP

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© RUD Ketten Rieger & Dietz GmbH u. CO. KG